Temperature forecasting#

This is one of the dynamic data sets provided with the NeurEco installation. The goal of this test case is to predict the temperature at time t, using weather variables from a weather station.

The input and output features of this test case are as follows:



p (mbar) at time t

T (deg C) at time t

Tpot(K) at time t

Tdew(deg C) at time t

rh(%) at time t

VPmax(mbar) at time t

VPact(mbar) at time t

VPdef(mbar) at time t

sh(g/kg) at time t

H2OC(mmol/l) at time t

rho (g/m^3) at time t

wv (m/s) at time t

max wv (m/s) at time t

wd(deg) at time t

The test case is provided with the following files:

  • Training data set containing one trajectory, \(526\) time steps long:

    • x_first_year.npy: first year of measurements of the input features

    • y_first_year.npy: first year of measurements of temperature (the output feature)

  • Testing data set containing one trajectory, \(526\) time steps long:

    • x_second_year.npy: second year of measurements of the input features

    • y_second_year.npy: second year of measurements of temperature (the output feature)