Tutorial: using NeurEco Python API for a Parametric Frequency Sweep problem
Tutorial: using NeurEco Python API for a Parametric Frequency Sweep problem#
The following section uses the test case Frequency Selective Surface. This test is included in the NeurEco installation package.
Building a Parametric Frequency Sweep model#
Create an empty directory (FSS), extract the Frequency Selective Surface test case data there. The created directory contains the following files:
Import the required libraries (NeurEco and NumPy):
from NeurEco import NeurEcoFrequential as Frequential
import numpy as np
Load the data:
x_train = np.load('inputs_train.npy')
y_train = np.load('targets_train.npy')
x_valid = np.load('inputs_valid.npy')
y_valid = np.load('targets_valid.npy')
Initialize a NeurEco object to handle the Parametric Frequency Sweep problem:
builder = Frequential.PFS()
All the methods provided by the PFS class can by viewed by calling the __methods__ attributes:
*** NeurEco ParametricFrequencySweep methods: ***
- load
- save
- delete
- evaluate
- build
- get_input_count
- get_out_count
- load_model_from_checkpoint
- get_number_of_networks_from_checkpoint
- export_fmu
- compute_error
- perform_input_sweep
- get_denominator_size
To find out what each parameter of any method does and how to use it, print the doc of the method:
exports a NeurEco model to FMU (Functional Mock-up Interface)
:param fmu_path: string: path where to save the fmu file
:returt: export_status: int: 0 if export is successful, other int if not
To build the model, run the build mothod with the building parameters adjusted to the problem at hand (see Build NeurEco Parametric Frequency Sweep model with the Python API):
builder.build(input_data=x_train, output_data=y_train,
# the rest of these parameters are optional
validation_input_data=x_valid, validation_output_data=y_valid,
When build is called, NeurEco starts the building process:
*****************Loading the training data******************
***********************Building Model***********************
Validation data will be used.
00h00m00s info > Running NeurEco Frequential version 3.0.616.0 compiled with MSVC v1928 on Apr 3 2023 @ 16:53:51
00h00m00s info > Reading Dataset...
00h00m00s info > Reading data files...
00h00m00s info > -> Training DataSet successfully imported.
00h00m00s info > Reading data files...
00h00m00s info > -> Validation DataSet successfully imported.
00h00m00s info > Dataset successfully imported
During the build NeurEco saves the intermediate modes to the checkpoint file (defined by the parameter checkpoint_address). To load and use the intermediate models from this checkpoint:
Create a new NeurEco object in which to load the model:
model = Frequential.PFS()
Determine how many intermediate models the checkpoint contains:
n = model.get_number_of_networks_from_checkpoint("./fssModel/fss.checkpoint")
Load any intermediate model from the checkpoint using its id (count starts from zero). For this example, at the moment of running the command \(n=36\), and the following command loads the intermediate model \(n°30 \ (id=29)\):
model.load_model_from_checkpoint("./fssModel/fss.checkpoint", 29)
Now model is a valid PFS model and can be used as usual.
Compute the test error of each model saved in the checkpoint
for i in range(n_models):
print("Loading and evaluating model", i, "from checkpoint file:")
model.load_model_from_checkpoint("./fssModel/fss.checkpoint", i)
neureco_outputs = model.evaluate(x_test)
l2_error = model.compute_error(neureco_outputs, y_test)
print("L2 relative error (%):", 100 * l2_error, ", denominator size:", model.get_denominator_size())
Loading and evaluating model 0 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 50.05190646213449 , denominator size: 2
Loading and evaluating model 1 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 34.454248607229395 , denominator size: 3
Loading and evaluating model 2 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 31.120229401860765 , denominator size: 4
Loading and evaluating model 3 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 29.993324285627665 , denominator size: 5
L2 relative error (%): 1.442559649332938 , denominator size: 194
Loading and evaluating model 35 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 1.1768063608433597 , denominator size: 194
Evaluate a model#
Load the testing data:
x_test = np.load('inputs_test.npy')
y_test = np.load('targets_test.npy')
Create a PFS object to use for the evaluation:
evaluator = Frequential.PFS()
It is possible to use the already existing PFS object builder when the evaluation is done just after the build, and builder is still available.
Load the built model:
load_state = evaluator.load("./fssModel/fss.efnn")
When building or evaluating a NeurEco model, all the used paths do not necessarily need to have an extension when they are passed as parameters to a NeurEco method.
To extract information from the loaded model, such as the number of inputs and the number of outputs, run:
n_inputs = evaluator.get_input_count()
n_outputs = evaluator.get_output_count()
print("Number of Inputs:", n_inputs)
print("Number of Outputs:", n_outputs)
Number of Inputs: 6
Number of Outputs: 2
To evaluate the model on the test data:
neureco_outputs = evaluator.evaluate(x_test)
l2_error = evaluator.compute_error(neureco_outputs, y_test)
print("L2 relative error (%):", 100 * l2_error)
L2 relative error (%): 1.1768063608433597
To save the model in the native NeurEco binary format:
save_state = evaluator.save("./fssModel/fss_same.efnn")
To export the model, run one of the following commands (neureco_embed_pfs license is required):
Once the NeurEco object is no longer needed, free the memory by deleting the object by calling the delete method. For the example above, three objects must be deleted: