Tutorial: using NeurEco Python API for a Parametric Frequency Sweep problem#

The following section uses the test case Frequency Selective Surface. This test is included in the NeurEco installation package.

Building a Parametric Frequency Sweep model#

  • Create an empty directory (FSS), extract the Frequency Selective Surface test case data there. The created directory contains the following files:

    • inputs_train.npy

    • targets_train.npy

    • inputs_valid.npy

    • targets_valid.npy

    • inputs_test.npy

    • targets_test.npy

  • Import the required libraries (NeurEco and NumPy):

from NeurEco import NeurEcoFrequential as Frequential
import numpy as np
  • Load the data:

x_train = np.load('inputs_train.npy')
y_train = np.load('targets_train.npy')
x_valid = np.load('inputs_valid.npy')
y_valid = np.load('targets_valid.npy')
  • Initialize a NeurEco object to handle the Parametric Frequency Sweep problem:

builder = Frequential.PFS()

All the methods provided by the PFS class can by viewed by calling the __methods__ attributes:

*** NeurEco ParametricFrequencySweep methods: ***
- load
- save
- delete
- evaluate
- build
- get_input_count
- get_out_count
- load_model_from_checkpoint
- get_number_of_networks_from_checkpoint
- export_fmu
- compute_error
- perform_input_sweep
- get_denominator_size

To find out what each parameter of any method does and how to use it, print the doc of the method:

exports a NeurEco model to FMU (Functional Mock-up Interface)

:param fmu_path: string: path where to save the fmu file
:returt: export_status: int: 0 if export is successful, other int if not
builder.build(input_data=x_train, output_data=y_train,
              # the rest of these parameters are optional
              validation_input_data=x_valid, validation_output_data=y_valid,
  • When build is called, NeurEco starts the building process:

*****************Loading the training data******************
***********************Building Model***********************
Validation data will be used.
00h00m00s info > Running NeurEco Frequential version 3.0.616.0 compiled with MSVC v1928  on Apr  3 2023 @ 16:53:51
00h00m00s info > Reading Dataset...
00h00m00s info > Reading data files...
00h00m00s info > -> Training DataSet successfully imported.
00h00m00s info > Reading data files...
00h00m00s info > -> Validation DataSet successfully imported.
00h00m00s info > Dataset successfully imported

During the build NeurEco saves the intermediate modes to the checkpoint file (defined by the parameter checkpoint_address). To load and use the intermediate models from this checkpoint:

  • Create a new NeurEco object in which to load the model:

model = Frequential.PFS()
  • Determine how many intermediate models the checkpoint contains:

n = model.get_number_of_networks_from_checkpoint("./fssModel/fss.checkpoint")
  • Load any intermediate model from the checkpoint using its id (count starts from zero). For this example, at the moment of running the command \(n=36\), and the following command loads the intermediate model \(n°30 \ (id=29)\):

model.load_model_from_checkpoint("./fssModel/fss.checkpoint", 29)

Now model is a valid PFS model and can be used as usual.

  • Compute the test error of each model saved in the checkpoint

for i in range(n_models):
  print("Loading and evaluating model", i, "from checkpoint file:")
  model.load_model_from_checkpoint("./fssModel/fss.checkpoint", i)
  neureco_outputs = model.evaluate(x_test)
  l2_error = model.compute_error(neureco_outputs, y_test)
  print("L2 relative error (%):", 100 * l2_error, ", denominator size:", model.get_denominator_size())
Loading and evaluating model 0 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 50.05190646213449 , denominator size: 2
Loading and evaluating model 1 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 34.454248607229395 , denominator size: 3
Loading and evaluating model 2 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 31.120229401860765 , denominator size: 4
Loading and evaluating model 3 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 29.993324285627665 , denominator size: 5
L2 relative error (%): 1.442559649332938 , denominator size: 194
Loading and evaluating model 35 from checkpoint file:
L2 relative error (%): 1.1768063608433597 , denominator size: 194

Evaluate a model#

  • Load the testing data:

x_test = np.load('inputs_test.npy')
y_test = np.load('targets_test.npy')
  • Create a PFS object to use for the evaluation:

evaluator = Frequential.PFS()


It is possible to use the already existing PFS object builder when the evaluation is done just after the build, and builder is still available.

  • Load the built model:

load_state = evaluator.load("./fssModel/fss.efnn")


When building or evaluating a NeurEco model, all the used paths do not necessarily need to have an extension when they are passed as parameters to a NeurEco method.

  • To extract information from the loaded model, such as the number of inputs and the number of outputs, run:

n_inputs = evaluator.get_input_count()
n_outputs = evaluator.get_output_count()
print("Number of Inputs:", n_inputs)
print("Number of Outputs:", n_outputs)
Number of Inputs: 6
Number of Outputs: 2
  • To evaluate the model on the test data:

neureco_outputs = evaluator.evaluate(x_test)
l2_error = evaluator.compute_error(neureco_outputs, y_test)
print("L2 relative error (%):", 100 * l2_error)
L2 relative error (%): 1.1768063608433597
  • To save the model in the native NeurEco binary format:

save_state = evaluator.save("./fssModel/fss_same.efnn")
  • To export the model, run one of the following commands (neureco_embed_pfs license is required):



Once the NeurEco object is no longer needed, free the memory by deleting the object by calling the delete method. For the example above, three objects must be deleted:
