Installing NeurEco on MacOS
Installing NeurEco on MacOS#
Download the .dmg file containing the NeurEco app, drag and drop the two applications (NeurEco and hardware_info) from the disk image (dmg file) to the Application folder. Note that in order for the hardware info to be launched correctly, it needs to be added to the Application folder and it cannot be launched directly from the disk image.

Installing NeurEco on MacOs#
Once NeurEco installed, provide a valid NeurEco license by following these steps:
Execute the hardware_info app by launching the hardware_info in a terminal
Enter the required information asked by the app.
Send the final hardware_info.txt file to the Adagos support team
Installing the Python API#
The Python API is compatible with python 3.x. It provides all the GUI’s features and more.
Two options are available for installing the Python API:
Via the NeurEco GUI: Click on Python drop-list in the GUI and select Install NeurEco package to python. A window containing all the python environments found on the machine will appear. Select the environment to add NeurEco wrapper to it, and click on Install package. This will automatically install the python API for the chosen distribution.
Via the installation scripts: run the script that comes with the Python package (this will install it in the environment used to run the installation script).
The Python API uses NumPy Python library. Make sure it is installed in the used environment.
The GUI functionality Export NeurEco to Python (see, for example, Export Tabular Regression from the GUI to the Python API) facilitates the initial transition from the usage of NeurEco with the GUI to its usage with the Python API.